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Sunday, January 16, 2011

25 Twitter Apps: Get the Most from Twitter

Twitter may just be the greatest thing that ever happened to both online businesses and bloggers. It is huge. It is effective. It is now. There are many tools to help you more successfully use Twitter and get the most out of this great big network.

Don’t miss out on all you can do to maximize your Twitter presence – learn about all your options to make this site work for you. Its potential is incredible.
Twubble is an app that will immediately locate others who share the same interests. Find others out there who like to tweet about the same things and broaden your listening audience
Twellow connects you with the experts. If you need a particular guest post or an authority to help you with branding, blogging or, well, any topic you choose, use this tool to find all the best people
Need to connect with the best users of this service? Twitrank will point you to the 150 most active Tweeters
Hashtags lets you follow a specified keyword on Twitter
Twithire, a tool to tweet job openings, may just get you a lot of traffic as unemployment rates rise and more folks are looking for work is a tool to shorten URLs. It is brought to you by the makers of HootSuite
Use TwitterStats to chart your usage of Twitter – they give you a colorful graph you can post for your readers to see
Twit Kit is a completely customizable plugin that is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux that allows the incorporate of Firefox with Twitter
140 characters too limiting? Twitzer is a Firefox plugin that allows you to say more on your Twitter account
Twixr gives you’re the ability to share your photos from your cell phone. Add visual interest to your account
Buttons is an app that gives you a variety of Follow Me button options
Do you have numerous Twitter accounts? Use The Mattinator to efficiently manage them all
Want to monetize? Use Twittad to place ads and make money
Want to know how you’re doing on Twitter? Twinfluence will tell you how your tweets, follower reach and second-order followers stack up to give you your overall rating

Worried about getting the wrong followers? Use these apps to weed out the bad ‘uns:
Twitspam – reports spamming activity
Twerp Scan – see those who follow others in too short a period of time to be natural
Twitter Blacklist – lists any who have been blacklisted on Twitter

Use these tools for research and to gain greater visibility:
Poll Tweets lets you join in on the current Twitter Polls
Twitter Polldaddy allows you to make your own poll and then tweet it

More research:
Twitter Answers is a good place to find answers quickly

Need to schedule your tweets? These are designed for just that:
Tweet Later Lets you post tweets when you want to and also has auto-follow and auto-welcome features
Twittertise – perfect for scheduling marketing tweets
Tweet Ahead – for Mac users

Twitter can help you stay organized:
Twittercal meshes your Google calendar and Twitter
Timer will sound off alarms for all those things you need to remind yourself to do

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